

Going Mobile

By Megan Totka Mobile is the new digital frontier for any business looking to succeed. With more smartphones than people in the United States, and a greater percentage of your customers searching for businesses like yours on mobile devices, you can’t...
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The Influence and Lucrativeness of Mobile Apps

By Ilana Greene It goes without saying: cell phones have come a long way since Richard Gere suavely answered his state-of-the-art mobile in the 1990 classic Pretty Woman. In just two and a half decades, cell phones have evolved from weighty bricks that...
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7 Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Mobile App

By Melanie Haselmayr 1. Be Visible to Customers at All Times Statistics show that the average American spends more than two hours a day (!) on his or her mobile device. While probably only a handful of applications make up the bulk of this total usage,...
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The rise of the internet on mobile

Mobile web browsing has doubled since 2009. By the end of this year, more Americans will access the internet via a mobile device than a laptop or desktop. The underlying factor behind this trend is smartphone ownership. As more Americans own smartphones,...
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